Welcome To The Vector Bucks Club
The Vector Bucks Club rewards tournament anglers who join and win with their Vector Hooks!
Get cash rewards for winning sanctioned tournaments with your Vector Hooks! We are proud to reward you for making Vector Hooks a vital part of your advantage over the competition.
How to become a member of the Vector Bucks Club:
Purchase of Vector Bucks Club membership will constitute a certification that the participant has read, understands, and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the Vector Bucks Club program.
Annual membership is $29.95 for Boaters, $14.95 for Co-Anglers and $29.95 for High School Teams. All Vector Bucks participants must purchase their respective Vector Bucks Club membership.
Purchase your Vector Bucks Club Membership here >
Be sure to check the current list of sanctioned tournaments
Did you win a sanctioned tournament as a registered Vector Bucks Club Member? If so, be sure you get paid by submitting a completed Vector Bucks Affidavit Claim of Tournament Win form.
Tournament anglers please note:
Vector Bucks Rewards recipients will be responsible for paying any and all local, state, federal or other taxes on contingency earnings.
Claiming Your Vector Bucks Rewards:
Winners must fill out the Vector Bucks Affidavit Claim of Tournament Win form using the link at the bottom of this page. All required fields must be complete in order to be validated for your Vector Bucks Club Winnings. Completed Vector Bucks claims forms must be submitted within 30 days of the tournament win.